What is the golden hour you ask?
You may have heard photographers talk about ‘the light’.
The time of day greatly effects the images that we take, because ‘the light’ is different throughout the day. You’ll often see gorgeous wedding photos that have a dreamy warm look to them. These are usually taken at the time just before sunset.
How does this effect your plans?
When I was planning our wedding I aimed our reception entrance to be just after sunset. We had nowhere to travel, so we didn’t need to take this into account. Therefore we enjoyed the bright, colourful afternoon sun and the golden hour magic. I found this to be perfect for timing. Having said this there are other factors to take into account, such as the area surrounding your location(Mountainous or flat), cloud cover and tree cover.
If our reception began earlier my favourite image from our wedding (which was during the golden hour) would not exsist, which would break my heart! hehehe. The sun was so soft shining on us and lighting up the yellow grass perfectly. Having said this, if we hadn’t started before the golden hour we wouldn’t have the vibrant afternoon sun images.
‘the light’ is something to consider when planning your wedding schedule and obviously it changes throughout the year, which is where the ‘GOLDEN HOUR’ Generally sometime in the hour prior to sunset, is a nice time for photos.
I am more than happy to help you work out your timing which will be unique to your wedding and locations.